All Thoughts Matter
Posted on 08/24/2024 by EraOfLight — Leave a reply
By Gillian MacBeth Louthan | Source
Each thought you have has its own awareness. It is consciousness housed inside consciousness. Within each thought lives an electromagnetic field of possibilities. These possibilities are magnetically drawn to other energies of same vibration. Every thought has a vibrational pulse that magnetizes like thoughts. In other words all thoughts matter.
Belief creates a living wormhole beckoning thought into form. Every cell in your body listens to every word you speak and think and then creates from that dialogue. Nothing is dismissed by your DNA as a casual thought or just kidding.. Everything is taken to heart and then into form. Your DNA believes you are commander-n-chief, it sees you as a god in training and per the creators instructions obeys your every word and notion. As DNA has no sense of humor ‘I am only kidding phrases’ do not live within the intelligence of the DNA.
As we learn to communicate with our inner universes on a daily basis it is important to take time to slow down and park in your heart. As we move deeper into communication with our cellular consciousness we find infinite pathways of creation available to us. To our DNA and atomic structure everything and anything is possible. The self censors our deepest desires creating a mud-puddle instead of an ocean to swim in. Who are we to stand and sabotage what the universe has deemed to give us?
When we go ‘within’ anything is possible. It is up to us to hold that precious pearl of possibility and not drop it on the beach of our own misperception. As you visit the vista of all time and internal space hold tight to the treasures you bring back. These are cellular truths you bring back. You are caretakers of what could be, what was and what will be. Honor them as your most precious treasures. They are worlds that are waiting to be birthed. We have the ability to transcend time and space. In this place that is connected to all time and space we can see what is to come in order to heal the past and connect with our deepest ancient truths in the now.