Ramana Maharishi says: "From where
does this `I' arise? Seek for it within; it then vanishes. This is the pursuit of wisdom. When the mind unceasingly investigates its own nature, it transpires that there is no such thing as mind. This is the direct path for all. The mind is merely thoughts. Of all thoughts the thought `I' is the root. Therefore the mind is only the thought `I'."
NOTE: Some facts to Ken : ( Thoughts are waves which issue forth from the Mind. The brain a function helps with additional information to tantalise and allure a doubting mind!!! Stilling these thoughts and subsequently also the mind renders the ego rudderless!!! Ego?? Yes Ego is a phantom trickster which plays truant and keeps the mind in doubt and in continual ignorance. The Opposite of knowledge is Ignorance. Knowledge is light and Ignorance is darkness. Let you into a truism which will vivify when you delve deep as insight into it!!!
Darkness is the ground on which Light dances.
The contrast heightens perception crucial to a " Know ".
All this points to wisdom a Viveka which filters highlights and elicits all akin to The Absolute Consciousness, which, Wisdom is what we arm ourselves, to be with Discernment.
Now we can get to have a discussion perchance? As thoughts are a deterrent to all inner realms and the forays, the sadhana we as self quest on...)
Is thinking a cap we adorn?? ~ let's start the discussion from this note... Shall we?
Thoughts to me are Reptilians pulling you away from your center where Source is.