I was able to join the first class but cannot find the link and am not getting emails with upcoming classes. I was able to Join 1st class only. My class is in 15min today.
I think people need to breathe in and breathe out. I too was shocked about the "Star Gate" thing.
AI is dangerous and these MRNA jabs are as well (at least for as far as the C-jabs have shown us).
If you'd ask me, I am sitting back for a bit and I will see what this is about. I hope this is a strategy to put evil in the spotlights for all to see. If this does happen, I will do all I can not to take those jabs.
Also, I'd like to wait and see what will happen with RFK jr. now, he's quiet right now as his senate hearings for his approval are likely coming up. I hope he'll end up halting this downright dangerous idea......
Greetings! From heart to heart in this moment we speak, I am Kejraj!
We ask that you let go of your worries relating to the presidential inauguration of @realDonaldTrump for he is protected by higher forces.
The star family which has watched humanity evolve for thousands of years, and has always been present in your skies, is also watching Trump during these times of great change.
From the Federation of Light, to Angels, and the ground crew, Donald Trump is protected.
What you may want to prepare for mentally and emotionally are events that may follow in the days ahead. For the Dark will stop at nothing to push fear, division, and chaos, in order to lower the vibrational frequency of the Human Collective.
The world is healing, regardless of what you see in the outside. A shift in consciousness is taking place, that is to see humanity rise into a new dimensional reality.
Nothing can stop this. However, it is the Dark’s goal to create as much chaos as possible so it can harvest the loosh released from the fear mongering. Let go of fear. Do your best to let go of all that which no longer serves your spiritual growth and expansion.
I was wondering if there actually would be an inauguration. It did happen and now let's see if positive changes will indeed be made. I at least am hopefull.
WILL THE REAL JFK, JR. STAND UP? We all seen John F. Kennedy Jr, and his wife Carolyn Bissett. They had the GEORGE magazine. Great looking couple. Then on the Kia Pruitt podcast there was man who wrote the book, "Stolen Identity". He looked nothing like what we are used to. Mike Penny did a deep dive on the man who wrote the book, "Stolen Identity" and he said that the man who claims to be JFK, Jr mother worked for the Military and the guy is MK Ultra. Can't remember the exact words. Then there is a guy who is at Trump's rallies and wears a wig and beard and you can tell Carolyn Bissett with her signature smile. I wonder who is the real JFK, Jr.?
Best recollection, the link to his classes should also be in the first email you get after you paid for the class. Save the email with the link and you should always get hooked up to the class. Pays to have two emails. One that does not accumulate a lot every day and one that gets a few emails and will also have in the sent department.
I am having the same problem for the Feb. classes. Really irritated today! jirons2005@hotmail.com
The 47th Presidential Inauguration
Posted on 01/20/2025 by EraOfLight — Leave a reply
Greetings! From heart to heart in this moment we speak, I am Kejraj!
We ask that you let go of your worries relating to the presidential inauguration of @realDonaldTrump for he is protected by higher forces.
The star family which has watched humanity evolve for thousands of years, and has always been present in your skies, is also watching Trump during these times of great change.
From the Federation of Light, to Angels, and the ground crew, Donald Trump is protected.
What you may want to prepare for mentally and emotionally are events that may follow in the days ahead. For the Dark will stop at nothing to push fear, division, and chaos, in order to lower the vibrational frequency of the Human Collective.
The world is healing, regardless of what you see in the outside. A shift in consciousness is taking place, that is to see humanity rise into a new dimensional reality.
Nothing can stop this. However, it is the Dark’s goal to create as much chaos as possible so it can harvest the loosh released from the fear mongering. Let go of fear. Do your best to let go of all that which no longer serves your spiritual growth and expansion.
All the light to You!
WILL THE REAL JFK, JR. STAND UP? We all seen John F. Kennedy Jr, and his wife Carolyn Bissett. They had the GEORGE magazine. Great looking couple. Then on the Kia Pruitt podcast there was man who wrote the book, "Stolen Identity". He looked nothing like what we are used to. Mike Penny did a deep dive on the man who wrote the book, "Stolen Identity" and he said that the man who claims to be JFK, Jr mother worked for the Military and the guy is MK Ultra. Can't remember the exact words. Then there is a guy who is at Trump's rallies and wears a wig and beard and you can tell Carolyn Bissett with her signature smile. I wonder who is the real JFK, Jr.?
Nikola Tesla: 432 Hz Tesla Guided Meditation Straight To Your Subconscious Mind - Journey Through Space To The Birth Place Of Your Soul. https://youtu.be/GEKvOB-rhc4?si=jyKM0Ld_OAisHLFl
Best recollection, the link to his classes should also be in the first email you get after you paid for the class. Save the email with the link and you should always get hooked up to the class. Pays to have two emails. One that does not accumulate a lot every day and one that gets a few emails and will also have in the sent department.