Hello, I have questions regarding some of the subjects Ismael talked about in his latest live from Monday.
He was talking about Base #9 in Brazil, where dinosaurs have been restored to life. I can't find any info about
this anywhere. What search engine do you use to look up the things the cabal doesn't want you to know? I was also
intrigued by the idea that a Leviathan was in the Antarctic ice that broke off a week ago, and showed up alongside
Africa. Any further info would be appreciated! Thanks.
I couldn't find anything about Base 9, either. Maybe try using Tor? If I get time, I'll try that.
Here's an interesting Tweet I saw about the Leviathan and Antarctica in general: https://x.com/Prolotario1/status/1780324906317541783. I'd sure like Ismael's take on this! I hope he sees it. I'm not sure what I think of this Ariel character, though.
https://x.com/drfrensor/status/1780023672792633780. Here's a Tweet discussing how the disturbance in the Antarctic Ocean disappeared.
If I recall that creature in the ice heading to Africa was beamed up to be vaporized by the Solar Flash. The dinosaur thing flew over my head.
Yes please, am not able to find info on Base#9 either. ??? thank you