Hello Galactic Jedi's!
I am a very old soul with many incarnations on this earth. We are all on this journey of self discovery of who we are, again. I do not post this to give any credence to my ego and say: Peace be still, and know, that I am god. This is my story. Take what resonates with you, and leave the rest. I hope my journey will inspire you to put the pieces of your own story together and have the courage to share with all of us. Ismael has gone to so much trouble to put this wonderful forum together, so we could do just that. NOW, let's get real and raw....
In one of my incarnations, I was Deborah from the book of Judges 4-5 of the Bible. I was a judge and prophetess of Israel (the only woman among the 12 judges of the Old Testament.) I was chosen by God at that time to serve as the Mother of Israel and lead God's people to victory due to my faithfulness. God spoke through me. Deborah's characteristics were Faithfulness, Wisdom, Leadership, Courage, Visionary, Compassionate, and Humbleness. Many of you have read about her in the Bible.
So how did I know this? Just like all of you, I had to assemble all the puzzle pieces I have been given in this lifetime through my own research, meditation, and nudges from the Universe. What were my puzzle pieces? I served in the U.S. Army/NG for over 22 years working for the JAG (Judge Advocate General); I served as a top mediator/negotiator with the U.S. District Court of AZ (taught by the Adromedins), Department of Defense, and the United States Forest Service in NM. I've done pro-bono mediation for the Magistrate Judges in AZ and NM; and I lead a group of women in AZ called the Deborah preppers (no coincidence here) whom many still call me commander. The final piece was given to me by my guides when they told me: there are scriptures written about you. I only found this piece when I went deep into meditation and began asking my higher self to reveal it to me. Through the help of my higher self and knowingness, I was able to put it all together; and my I AM presence confirmed it.
Though this may trigger some of you, my guides are prompting me to say it. I know the Bible through and through, but it was Jesus who led me out of the religious system when he showed me that everything in the Bible that is not of love, happiness or joy is not of God. Why? Because God=Truth, Truth=Love, Love=God, God is Love. Anything that does not depict this relationship is not of God. I am not trying to change any of your minds. This is my journey that Jesus (my brother) brought me through. I left the religious system late last year (after 40+ years), and yes, I lost all my friends. But I am now in the Unified Field of Christ Consciousness Unity and very happy to be my true authentic self. I am now attracting those who are like minded to me. I'm finding other starseeds along the way and together we are sharing and supporting one another.
I hope my story has encouraged you to come forward and tell us a part of your story, so we know who you are and can encourage you on your journey. I love all of you, because I AM a Healer of the Soul; I love your soul; and I AM pure Devine Love walking around incarnate. Namaste!
Incredulous Awesome absolutely Soulful dear Jedi.
Very young many visions all internal with no outward signs born to very ascetic Indian parents, was a quiet child spoke less but was very inquisitive about this know . All throw backs came through dreams and all this life is filled with real life incidents, all making this answer real - Who am I ?
An eternal quest in this life, it is one which concerns me even now as we speak.
This seed with all the quests ingrained deep fathoms deep within is what was my next quest and a probe via this general discussion page.
NAAN YAAR - Who Am I in Tamil Was planted deep within through the initiation by gaze, eye to eye transcendence from Sri Ramana Maharshi, all when I was just 20 days into the world. ) See the photograph of The Sage at the end. ( the second one and the first- was with this Immense Transcendence - What did Jesus mean when He said, “The eye is the lamp of the body” (Matthew 6:22)?
Jesus said, "The eye is the lamp of the body. If your eyes are good, your whole body will be full of light" (Matthew 6:22). Here our Lord describes the eye as a lamp which lights the entire body. Our eyes are the entrance to our hearts and minds and, as such, they provide a doorway to our very souls. When He referred to “good” eyes, He meant eyes that not only see well, but also perceive well. It is not only what we see, but how we perceive what we see that makes the difference between godliness and ungodliness, between light and darkness. Bad eyes lead to bad perception, but if our eyes are good, our whole person will be illuminated. If we are in a lighted room, we see everything clearly. We can move around obstacles and locate whatever we’re looking for. But walking in darkness results in stumbling, falling, and groping for some secure thing to hang on to. : https://i.ytimg.com/vi/Y0MF8DE-iww/hqdefault.jpg
In India we have NADI ASTROLOGERS who are adept with this Know : reading your past through all that is encoded in ancient palm leaves preserved and intact through to this day. I was told that as an inmate of the Council I have, am and will continue in this realm and continue in this life. In precept I AM - Lord Jehova has been a constant and finds expression through all the Guru's who have found in me the Savant. All are within, internalized and completely 1-1, leaving it entirely to this That - who will find the need to bring into prominence. Service seeking and in deliverance of the Inner seek of the Lord has been and is even Now a calling which is answered silently but very assiduously in everything that is done.
In this life of seven decades and six this is too many to list suffice it to say that this Jehova - means I AM - found Healing, Acupressure Massage and Reflexology, Pranic Healing and Inner work a constant, exemplifying the Medicine woman I was in The Council of Elders and as Mary Magdelene betrothed to Lord Jesus ( as confirmed by my Guru - the first among the three) Am Here in the Now to finish the story. Which is never a job done without the constance of the Lord in conversation and in whispers to the ear and images to the eye or the text thereof the import to impact and share.
Absolutely LOVE the Lord, His entire family All Creation who gives and provides the stage for all this to be enacted.
In the Service and Service of the Lord
Karen, thank you so much for being here and for sharing your story. Im sure a lot of us were prophets, writers and characters in the bible. We have returned to finish the job of God almighty.
Hi Karen, I could relate to what you wrote here. For me, it also has been a journey where I have been directed by Prime Creator Source. I too was made aware that I was Deborah in the bible around 15 years ago. I was told that I would be "tearing down walls and I would be changing things". I knew in my spirit that was true! I can see you are truly a Deborah also! Then another aspect of myself has awaken in me and that is of Athena. I'm still observing what that is all about...I don't know yet. It is so good to meet another Deborah!!!
Karen, that was deep and resonates . The I Am in me honors the I Am in you 🦁🙏
Your story gave me chills. When you said, 'I AM pure Devine Love walking around incarnate' that resonated so much. I salute the divine in you sister. Peace.
Just wondering how you knew all your past lives. You seem to have great important lives. I have no clue about my past lives, but I have not seen the need to know what I have or been.