After watching David Wilcocks video on the great pyramids... Here is the link (Some of the most fascinating information on ascension I've studied)
I've come to realize through my studies that I'm pretty sure they had real living "life rejuvination" chambers where they could go and leave their body in a pod, I feel like this is where Thoth's distorted halls of Amenti were.....and while they would rejuvinate their physical body for 1000 years they would astral project and live in (and this is why I feel like it was a distorted practice) a different physical avatar living body that they may have cloned and created genetically. Perhaps this is just something Thoth did but if you read his emerald tablets a lot of the clues are there. This idea is portrayed in the movie Jupiter Ascending. I wanted to see what other people thought about this. I mean it has been stated that the Annunaki were doing this already because they found a Giant in a tomb of an Annunaki king which was found (real story) and the body looked like a Giant human being, just like many of the Giants that were excavated and later confiscated and hidden by the cabal and I believe the Smithsonian. Now I know that with certain spiritual practice one can easily leave the body so if they knew how to inhabit another body they could easily do this and supposedly "live forever". I'm pretty sure this is one way the Annnunaki were able to live such long lives. I just want to say that this is not something I am in alignment with. We have crystalline bodies or are in the process of receiving and transforming into them during this ascension and there is a natural God source creator process for living eternally with the body.
david is way out there, he is the definition of an intelligent soul :)
i have seen the movie jupiter ascending as well couple years ago,
great movie, they really tried to relay information about reptilians and gene treatment being used by powerful people in order to stay young,
at a terrible cost of another life being ruined in order to stay young sounds familiar right? right!
thanks for the video marlin!