Hello all,
As I mentioned before, I was brought up Protestant Christian.
Off course, I still read the Bible, but I have also read a large portion of the Nag Hammadi Library.
I found it interesting and it gave me a new outlook on Jesus/Yeshua and what his teachings were actually about.
For me, it felt like the spiritual/esoteric side of Christianity, which is something the church will not give you.
Is there anyone else here who read these scriptures as well?
If so, let us all know what you thought about it. It would be a good topic to discuss I think.......
I read parts of the Nag Hammadi. It was the introduction I found interesting. Jesus said 'our Universe is the only Universe that was created in chaos and darkness'. This sentence ties in with what Ismael said about the end of the 11th Universe!
Each new Universe picks up where the last left off.....
We are all guided to what we are supposed to know when we are ready. Just when you think you know 'it all' new material will show up. Life is fascinating
This has been very true for me.
funny thing is i heard about the nag hammadi library, however, i know very little about the subject but than again i only have a limited amount of time to read before the day is over ;)
thx for the post tho !
Hi ,Maaike ,this is Valentina .. thank you for your post . I was brought up Protestant Pentecostal Christian .,we do believe in the ALIVE WORD OF GOD LOGOS and the Holy Spirit gifts for the building and edyfing of the body of CHRIST , no legalism but wanting to please HIM as we are his children and we love him ( obviously labels were made which does not matter to me ) i've been reading the scriptures since i was little more intense at the age of 13 .. my grandma used to have Enoch and Aprocrifa as well but those were like Hush hush reads ... Anyway my take on scriptures ... yes some were inverted ,perverted , twisted , distorted , mis translated , tampered etc.... BUT i believe God Source Father Mother our creator and lover of our soul would not allow his precious creation and his children in a fallen world without his LOVE LETTER to us to guide us in this WAR ZONE ... i believe within all this there is a thread a living breathing transforming full of his Spirit WORD LOGOS that has power ,authority and destiny . Imagine being in a war , the lover of your soul is trying to relate a message to you to save your life, soul , you bet that lover will do anything in its power to get that message to you ... that's what i believe , within the scripture i have found that thread ,that living breathable ,transforming power of God ,life giving power and life in itself and the reality and truth is there . Even if it was written by human beings and expressed through their perception ,filters ,understanding , concepts , coded in some ways GOD HIMSELF will not allow our souls in this 3D to be roaming around blind and abandoned . He made sure the truth will reach each and every single one of us in this 3D billions of people .. i know our creator is mind blowing :))) isn't he ? so from Genesis to Revelations to apparently hundred of others Dead Sea Scrolls and books that were discovered that were not Canonized , at this point it does not matter .. ONE REALITY that transcends everything is we have to ask ourselves ? do we see the big picture ? who is Jeshua ? why are people willing to die for him ? who did he say he is ? he claims he is GOD incarnate ., OUR CREATOR DECIDED TO STEP INTO HIS CREATION . the only way he could have done it without destroying us is by becoming a fractal of himself .. no one else did that ... hence his LOGOS his son . , call it what ever you want CHRIST Consciousness , he said HE IS THE WAY THE TRUTH AND THE LIFE . .NO ONE COMES TO THE FATHER. BUT BY ME .. i understand there are ascended masters , enlightened beings , but ultimately i'm asking myself what is different about Jeshua ? His claims are exclusively much bigger ,deeper and i can't let that pass me by as i myself like each and everyone of us are her trying to make sense of our existence . Anything of the light is good but ultimately our highest calling is to get as high as we can . Like Ismael says the higher in dimensions you are the lighter you become and pure light eminates .. and the closet to 12D is the closer to the source ..... man i can't spell today .... please do continue reading the scriptures for in them you will find LIFE ,TRUTH , LOVE ,LIGHT ,GUIDANCE ,POWER ,DESTINY , CALLING .. its like telling someone not to take a math class as its perverted , well all the big mathematicians they started in a math class , or at least studied math .. they did not stay away from MATH all together because of some math theories were proven wrong or debunked right ? so .. poor analogy but hope you understand my point . READ AND STUDY yourself and ask GOD,ask your creator to reveal show himself to you . He will I PROMISE .. like i said i'm saying he , but he is our MAMA as well . Sofia WISDOM the 7 spirits of GOD , you will find the feminine nurturing mothering side of our creator in book of PSALMS , PROVERBS , Ecclesiastics and many more . LADY WISDOM CRIES IN THE STREETS .
Wisdom crieth aloud in the street; She utte
reth her voice in the broad places; She crieth in the chief place of concourse; At the entrance of the gates, In the city, she uttereth her words: How long, ye simple ones, will ye love simplicity? And scoffers delight them in scoffing, And fools hate knowledge? PROVERBS 1:20-33 .. Please don't give up on your creator he has not given up on you . seek and you shall find , knock and it will be open unto you . Revelations 3:20 ..Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear MY voice, and OPEN the door, I WILL come in to him, and will SUP with him, and he with ME.
these words ARE ALIVE !!!!!!! OUR CREATOR STEPPED INTO HIS CREATION AND WANTS UNION WITH US ,HE SAID HE WILL NEVER LEAVE US ,EVEN TO THE END OF THE AGE ,dive in and discover your calling , the truth and soul saving grace ... im really hoping you understand me ,Valentina
Thank you! I went to the link on Amazon, only to discover I had already purchased the Kindle version in 2021 but never read it! 😂 I’ll get started asap!
Is the Essene Gospel of Peace part of what you read? I think I want to read that next unless anybody has a better suggestion.
Did you know that a few months ago first found in the tunnels under the Vatican were 777 books of the Holy Bible? then right after that discovery just over 800 total Books were found?? the elites/Kings way back when cut us down to 66 adulterated books of the bible as their form of CONTROL over the populace, sad but true, I thought I was doing well with study of the other 9 books withheld from the king james version, The Book of Enoch will open your eyes Wide!! I wish to see what is in the 800 or so Books hidden from us. I am David Hakes as you know me on the Live chat.
Have you read Jesus and the Essenes by Dolores Cannon? Through hypnosis, she was able to speak with one of Jesus’ teachers when he was young and she wrote a whole book about his life as an Essene.
I saw this recently and loved it:
I have not but I am fascinated by the Essenes. I believe with all my heart Jesus was an Essene and also that I had a prior life as an Essene. I’m interested in learning whatever you know! And did you read this in English? I’ve been under the impression much of the Nag Hamadi stuff hasn’t been translated into English or has been suppressed.