The Celestial White Beings: Vibrational Healing Chamber
Posted on 06/02/2024 by EraOfLight — 3 Comments ↓
Channel: Natalia Glasson | Source
Greetings to you magnificent beings of light, we come forth with our celestial vibrations to be of service to you.
We are the Celestial White Beings, we come forth as many, and yet we are also one.
We have existed with, and in harmony with, the Earth since its creation. Our purpose is to develop and awaken ascension as well as promote healing.
We wish to introduce you to our vibrational healing chamber which is within our celestial vibrations of the inner planes.
Within the vibrational healing chamber there are numerous lights – lights of all different colors. You might imagine them as thousands of light bulbs, maybe in the ceiling. Each one has a beam of coloured light that extends from it.
As you enter into the vibrational healing chamber you will find us, the Celestial White Beings, present with you. There will be a bed for you to lie down upon. As you gaze upwards, you’ll be able to see these lights of different colours, which may appear like light bulbs.
As you allow yourself to rest with us, the Celestial White Beings, surrounding you, you can begin to think of an area of your body, your mind, your emotions, your auric field or even a circumstance or experience in your reality that you wish to bring harmony.
Essentially you wish to heal, to realign and to rebalance.
As you think about this area, the chamber will become attuned to your needs. Each area of your body, your mind, your emotions, your auric field or even an experience or situation in which you are involved, has a vibration.
We can recognize vibration as color or sound. This is a very easy way of recognizing it. We can say that every part of your being, every organ, every cell, has a vibration. Some cells have the same vibration. Your entire being holds one vibration, but when we delve deeper, we recognise that like an orchestra playing music, each has its own part. Each has its own vibration to create the whole music experience.
It is the same with your body and your being. Your entire being has one vibration but it is created from numerous vibrations. This also describes to you us, the Celestial White Beings. It also describes how a soul group works as well.
You can imagine us in an orchestra. If one instrument is out of tune, this stands out clearly in the music that you hear and it can cause other instruments to maybe also stand out of tune. It is the same with your body and your being.
As you are existing within the vibrational healing chamber of the Celestial White Beings, at a celestial level, you’re thinking of this area which is, in some ways, out of tune. As you’re thinking about this, the chamber reacts and you might say that it creates a light show for you – a light display.
Certain colours may turn on and beam down into your body or your being. They may not always enter into the area that you’re thinking about…they might do other aspects of your body…because that’s what’s needed to balance your being or to obtain harmony once more.
You can allow yourself to observe this light show. You may sense it. You may see it. You may hear it. You may simply acknowledge that it is taking place.
When you feel that the process is complete, again, think of that area that was out of balance and perceive any shifts or changes that may have taken place.
It might be that you need to visit the vibrational healing chamber of the Celestial White Beings many times. Sometimes balance can be obtained slowly, in small parts.
You are invited to use this chamber to, in many ways, bring your orchestra back together – to harmony – to bring your being into harmony.
What we ask of you is that, as your being comes into harmony, that you also reflect on the changes that this makes within your thoughts, your emotions, your body, your outlook upon life and your understanding, because it is often within that contemplation that the growth – the spiritual growth – and awakening occurs.
To visit our vibrational healing chamber, please call upon us, the Celestial White Beings, to surround you and transport you to our vibrational healing chamber at the celestial levels. And we will do so. And we will support you through the entire process.
We give this chamber to you as a service, as a tool and a gift.
We love you dearly.
We are the Celestial White Beings.
We thank you.
Greetings Love and Light Jedi Carol
Work with White light all times and your invitation will augment redouble the happenstance.
There's an upsurge here in India as many are ascending but have no clue ; this clueless state makes them all a muddle. I am specifically talking 1-1 of some who have approached for a healing.
As an awakened light worker with over thirty five years of healing, there is an increasing awareness and many are ardent and diligent with inner quest.
India is a spiritual country and we are with Sanatana Dharma.
Sanatana means Eternal,and Dharma signifies the path of righteousness. It lays down an eternal set of duties for every individual irrespective of caste, class or sect that have evolved over thousands of years.
The roots of Sanatana Dharma go back to the Vedas. The oldest known texts of Hindus
Healing and practice of this is very ancient too. Will share this with all of us healers here, if I may dear Carol.
Love you, thank you for this wonderful share.