Hello galactic Jedi’s,
I would love to here from those who have had sleep paralysis what do you remember? Do you remember when they started?
And the Triangle birthmark?
So sleep paralysis started when I was a teenager and has still continued to today last time was 2020 in November
What I remember is right before it happens I will hear tons of Grandfather clocks chiming all at once and than the paralysis happens. For the longest time I never saw the entities than I saw them! They were small like my height 5’0 but they had what looked like skeleton faces! They would hold me down even crawl on top of me! I would be so scared I would call out my deceased friend, Mother Mary, God, Jesus and they would bring me out!
As for the triangle birthmarks I have 2
1 on right thigh just above my knee those have 2 dark brown and 1 light brown marks
The second is on my right shoulder blade
That has 2 dark brown marks and one red one!
Not sure what it means but I heard that talked about before and I believe it was related to the secret space program!
As for the paralysis since I have the Archangels and my soul family and angels and guides by my side always it has stopped!
I am glad I found you guys and Ismael!
I am grateful for this website to talk! I am not on social media! I have a Truth Account and X but am hardly on!
Love light and many blessings
Paul thank you for the reply! I am sorry about your attempted abductions! Since I call in the Archangels I have not had anymore paralysis! I love my Archangels! They are amazing!!
i started having sleep paralysis as a teenager but started super heavy after i had my second baby. my dreams and nightmares have been absolutely real and surreal to the extreme my entire life. during sleep paralysis i could always see myself asleep in the bed but the light would always be on and also brighter than it would actually be in my room. i always could feel something tall standing over me behind my right shoulder but i could never see what it was or i could not lift my head at all or open my eyes to see it. i began to notice after a while that every time i woke up from sleep paralysis i would be on my back. even though i only ever fall asleep on my side or sleep on my side. also my entire life i always , as i began to fall asleep, have a vision of myself standing on the top of a flight of stairs, facing away from the stairs, and i am standing on the very top step but with a bout an inch of my feet off the stair behind me. i always fall then my entire body jolts super hard and then i would be wide awake.
I am grateful that I no longer have sleep paralysis . I have a birth mark under my left foot near the arch and apparently this means that I am from a water planet , that would explain my sign cancer ♋️ and the fact that I am always in water ☺️
welcom dawnmcgroarty !
they tried to abduct me once or twice but i got so violent en feral that they never attempted again,
however i never had triangle marks only red finger prints on my right arm it burned a little hmm...
sorry i cant help you much with it,i do hope they leave you alone now !
my regards :)