Admiral Richard E Byrd.
U.S. Navel Expedition to Antarctica after WW11 - looking for fleeing Natzis’ - hiding in bases in Antarctica.
Reading Admiral Byrd’s Diary - his expedition was attacked by “other worldly craft” in Antarctica. The controls of his plane were taken out of his hands - and he was flown into an underground city where he met Blonde haired human type beings!
A very advanced civilisation living in a city underground. He was taken to meet an elder called “The Master”. Who the younger blonde haired beings had great respect for - because of his wisdom and age.
Admiral Byrd was warned in no uncertain terms by “The Master” to leave otherwise the rest of his navel fleet would be destroyed!
Admiral Byrd did leave and returned to the U.S. with what was left of his damaged fleet.
I understand the U.S. was deliberating after the return of Byrd’s Fleet whether to drop a nuclear bomb on Antarctica!
It was only after the UFO Flyover in 1952 - of the Whitehouse that the U.S. capitulated!
Fast forward 1980/90s U.K.
A very advanced healer I knew at that time who cured many people of illness using frequency healing - from all over the world for free - showed me typed information he had been channeling from someone called “The Master”. This channeling went on for months.
This information stated that great disappointment was felt at that time by the way humans’ were behaving towards each other and the planet! That humanity was being closely watched - and what was being observed was not liked!
Only many years later after reading Admiral Byrd’s Diary - did I make the connection between Admiral Byrd’s “Master” and the “Master”, my healer friend was channeling! Was this the same person I asked myself? It seemed a very odd coincidence!
The “Master”, my healer friend was channeling appeared to be giving really good advice to human society in the channeling about treating other humans better and looking after the planet!
Now assuming these two “Masters’’ were one and the same.
My question is this?
Why would his people support the Natzis and protect them after WW11? Was there a genetic link with his people and the Germans?
Also, were these blonde haired humans living underground in Antarctica a group of Nordics - or were they the Aldebarans who had been helping the Natzis’ during WW11?
Thoughts please?