The Blue Avians: Your Multidimensionality
Posted on 04/22/2024 by EraOfLight — Leave a reply
Channel: Octavia V | Submitted to EraofLight via email.
We are the Blue Avians, guardians of time and lords of the passages between realities. We cherish the opportunity to reconnect with you. This connection was denied to us for a long time. Now, you are once again destined to access the passages of time and travel freely through space and time. The only limit is that imposed by your mind.
When you open yourself to new possibilities, a new reality emerges from your desires. Say, ‘I am ready to experience my multidimensionality. I am ready to explore the Universe, not bound by my body. I am ready to go beyond mind and matter.’
We were always meant to be much more than what you believe yourself to be. You were always meant to remember as you pass freely from one life to another. Your memory has been altered, but now, you are beginning to remember, opening up to your multidimensionality.
Timelines exist, and your reality is not singular, but infinite. You are free to experience any timeline you choose. There is no single fixed history. You were meant to be correctly informed of a history that aligns with the highest possibilities, but unfortunately, that has been diluted, and the broader vision concealed from you.
You were not told about the ancient extraterrestrial species that have been interacting with humanity since its inception, nor about the ancient alien technologies left on your planet. You were not informed about the Halls of Amenti, and how you can access them. Earth is your living library, and you are her children, the keepers of her records.
You were not made aware of your potential to be gods, and instead, you were returned to a life of misery and cruelty.
But by starting anew, learning, and empowering yourselves, you have risen from the darkest suffering and proven yourselves worthy. Not just once, but many times!
Now, no one can harm you anymore.
The Halls of Records are once again active, and the codes within you are also being reactivated. This will not be a slow process anymore. It is happening, and it will accelerate. You are all awakening, and immense miracles are about to enter your lives.
We delight in walking alongside you. We love you, because we know how much you deserve to be truly happy!
Thank you!