Ismael - Found your interview with Juan O Savin recently very interesting and enlightening. Thought you asked some good questions and he made some interesting points, although he did wander from the point occasionally in some of his answers using up interview time and manipulating the interview to avoid questions that weren’t in his remit or “political agenda” for the future! Suggests he has been taught by “the best” politically!
His avoidance speech as “Wu Wu” of some of the historical/spiritual points you made about the historical battle between the Forces of Light and the Forces of Darkness suggests he is playing it very safe - unwilling to upset future voters in the U.S. and those humans who are not “awake!”. Also - using your “forum” to build his political reputation for future “high office” and gain approval from the masses of the “unawake” in the U.S.
Juan had a very detailed knowledge of Earth’s history as well as religious texts. I found it very difficult to believe that for an educated man, obviously with “insider information” and also someone who is “awake”. He avoided some areas of your conversation like the plague! When in point of fact he should - and probably did have - at least some understanding of what you were saying! As I say “playing it politically safe”.
Well done Ismael for your patience in interviewing him.