Our New Republic is forming and gathering members on the state level in the United States of America, now! People can now take action on a grassroots level of lawful self-government BY the Constitution, as our Founding Fathers set it up. The old Republic was left abandoned pre-Civil War and has now been revived. Once the cabal is ended we have this lawful government to establish our sovereignty and will hold official elections. Learn more on the website and get involved Here's the interview on Nicholas Veniamin's Rumble channel posted 9/11/24.
To sign up and learn more visit https://members.republicfortheunitedstatesofamerica.org/
The Republic For the United States of America website is https://republicfortheunitedstatesofamerica.org/
Thanks for sharing Cricket Bug🤗
Also, for a formal explanation from the Executive Branch, listen to the video here and read the documents for validity. https://republicfortheunitedstatesofamerica.org/executive-press-releases/