I just wanted to introduce myself, I am Anita Bell, no nicknames. I have felt the great awakening since 2020 since Biden was elected. I just knew something was wrong and I have been searching ever since. I have found many teachers out there, some good some not so good. I found Kerry K from South Africa and she is great. I found Ismael also and he is great. I have learned much since starting but not near enough thus taking Ismael's class. Thank you for allowing me in.
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welcom anita bell to the club of jedis :)
Hi Anita , welcome ill see you in class.
Greetings Anita,
I too follow Kerry K, she is great. I imagine Ismael may have had something to do with your newfound interest in history. By the way, any advise on how to get a profile picture into that profile bubble. I haven't figured that one out yet. Thanks. Many blessings to you soul sister. ☯️
I have done that already just in case I get asked about it later.
I will pray for this girl; she is so confused. But at least she is asking for help! I can't get into all the other stuff I would love to tell her; she wouldn't understand and just be more confused.
Thank you
I had an interesting thing happen with one of my kids. I have a 4th grader, girl, who came to me with, what to her was a problem. She asked me to look at some drawings she had made, she likes to draw. Well, it turns out, what she was drawing were dark things happening, not from dreams, I asked, they just came through while she was drawing. She doesn't know what they are or where they come from. I believe she is drawing automatically like automatic writing. I had to pick my jaw up off the floor. She then decided she should talk to the principal. She only showed me one page, she wouldn't show me the rest, she got embarrassed. What I see was indeed dark and disturbing, figures with no heads or hanging from poles. Any suggestions?
Hi, Anita, and welcome! I’m in the same class with you. It’s so much fun for us Galactic Jedi to connect with each other! —J